Friday, March 28, 2014

Anti Bullying Day

We all wore pink and we were lucky to have a talk by the local Fire fighters! Then we were lucky to go on the fire truck! 

One fish, two fish

We counted fish and then we ate them.  We also made graphs of various fish colours.

Healthy eating

Using newspapers, in groups we made our own food groups.  We learned which foods went together and which categories where important for us.  

Dr. Seuss

We celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday by reading many of his books, rhyming and watching some funny Dr. Seuss stories. 

                                Here is our class with our books and the great Dr. Seuss Hats we made.

                                          We made our own red fish, blue fish math!

 We also made our own designs of Dr. Seuss, can you tell which we are?